More than 12.4 billion roubles of customs payments transferred to the Federal budget of the Khabarovsk customs in 2019

In 2019 the Khabarovsk customs transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation customs payments for the sum more than 12.4 billion roubles. It is 1 billion rubles more than in 2018.

As the Deputy chief of the Khabarovsk customs Ivan Burlaka, the growth of the transfers of customs payments to the budget due to the concentration Declaration in the Amur customs post (the electronic Declaration Center), and an increase in this regard, entrepreneurial activity in the region of the Khabarovsk customs. Export-import operations in 2019 committed 1264 of participants of foreign trade activities, or 546 more than in 2018.

3.37 billion roubles of customs payments for export of goods. This is 1.6 billion less than in 2018. The main exports were wood, metals, food and agricultural raw materials.

For imported goods transferred to the budget of 8.9 billion rubles, including import duty and VAT. This is 2.6 billion rubles more than in 2018. Imported from abroad, alumina, metals, machinery, equipment, food and agricultural raw materials.

In addition, the structure of the payments listed in Khabarovsk customs in the Federal budget, included the customs and the utilization fees, fines, and customs duties paid by individuals – more than 141 million rubles.


Victoria Aleshina,

press Secretary of the Khabarovsk customs