Automation of registration of transit declarations in the Smolensk customs is gaining momentum
Automation of registration of transit declarations in the Smolensk customs is gaining momentum
From the end of April 2019 in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation, defined as pilot areas, began an experiment to introduce the technology of automatic registration of a transit Declaration submitted in electronic form. From 28 October 2019 the effect of the experiment extended to all Russian customs authorities with a limitation imposed only by the types of transport used to move goods (road and rail). If at the initial stage of the experiment in may 2019, the share registered in the Smolensk customs transit declarations without participation of inspectors was 21%, while in December the figure was 76%.
– Advantages of this technology in the region of activity of customs estimated to have about 100 participants of foreign economic activity, – said head of control over customs transit of Smolensk customs Oleg Sheluhin. And if the inspector for registration of the transit Declaration by the regulations is one hour from the time of its submission, the software makes it less than one minute.
Just customs since the beginning of the experiment in the automatic mode was more than 750 transit declarations, which is 65% of the total volume was electronic transit declarations. Total weight moved by him of goods exceeded 8.5 thousand tons.
Smolensk customs encourages all traders to use these advantages in the electronic Declaration of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.
For any questions you can contact the Department of control over customs transit customs on the phone (4812) 20 10 51, 20 10 12.
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customs inspector
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Vladimir Safonov