Vyborg customs: the driver will be fined, and the employer confiscation of the vehicle
Vyborg customs: the driver will be fined, and the employer confiscation of the vehicle
Illegal moving through customs border of commercial quantities of food products one of the most common violations identified by the officials of the customs post MAPP cranberry Vyborg customs. In order to avoid paying fees and thus reduce the cost of goods, citizens often resort to attempts to conceal them from customs control.
The choice of the objects of the customs control, officials of customs authorities shall use risk management, so it was
3 Jun 2020. Of the total number of freight vehicles arriving in the multilateral road checkpoint “Brusnichnoe”, as the object of customs control has been selected a truck that is designed for the transport of round timber.
According to the results of inspection using mobile inspection complexes identified goods under built into the casing of the technological niches that are located above the doors of the vehicle. During the customs inspection of the retrieved cache item – 36 kg of finished dairy products. On this fact the Vyborg customs conducts an administrative investigation. Vehicle and the goods seized.
In addition, on June 4 at the cabin of another truck tractor officials of the customs post MAPP cowberry identified commercial shipment of smartphones “Iphone” without a trace of the operation a total number of 6 pieces.
Vyborg customs notes that in accordance with sanctions of part 2 of article 16.1 of the administrative code, the violators of customs legislation threatens the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens and legal entities in the amount from one second to the triple size of cost of the goods which are the subjects of the administrative offence, with their confiscation or without such confiscation of goods and (or) vehicles, which were the instruments of committing an administrative offence, or confiscation of subjects of an administrative offence; on officials – from ten thousand to twenty thousand roubles.
Natalia Finogina,
press Secretary of the Vyborg customs