Vyborg customs: found undeclared appliances

Vyborg customs: found undeclared household appliances

At the customs post MAPP Svetogorsk to Vyborg customs in the direction of entry of Finland to Russia there has arrived the car “Fiat” under control of the citizen of the Russian Federation. Information about the movement of any goods subject to mandatory written Declaration, the driver and his passengers were not provided, the customs Declaration is not filed, the need for the Declaration of goods is not stated. During the customs inspection the customs officers found that one of the passengers in the car to move undeclared vacuum cleaner, total of 6 pieces. On the basis of quantitative and weight norms of goods recognized by the customs authority shall not be used for personal use. Household equipment seized and sent to the merchandising expertise to establish its market value. The passenger opened the case on administrative offence under part 1 of article 16.2 of the Russian code of administrative offences.

The Vyborg customs on a regular basis carry out work on revealing and punishing offences connected with the movement of goods across the customs border as goods for personal use. Since the beginning of the 2020 customs opened 134 cases of administrative offences. Revealed undeclared dairy and meat foodstuffs, electrical equipment, watches, clothes, dog food and other products.

Natalia Finogina,
press Secretary of the Vyborg customs