Vladimir Ivan participates in the work of the EEF-2024

Vladimir Ivin participates in the work of the Eastern Economic Forum — 2024. He delivered a speech at the session «Container Logistics of the Eastern Polygon: Challenges and New Opportunities,» where he discussed the changes in the distribution of foreign trade over the past 10 years. Previously, 47% of trade was directed towards the West, while 29% was directed towards Asia. Currently, Asia accounts for 66% of trade, while the European Union accounts for 11%. These changes have had an impact on the turnover of the Far East — automobile transportation has increased fourfold, railway transportation has increased by an average of 30%, and there has been a growth in maritime transportation. Vladimir Ivin pointed out that the Vladivostok-Nakhodka route is currently overloaded. As an alternative, other checkpoints can be considered for importing goods in containers, including regions with higher economic activity. For example, the Vaniino port, specializing in coal transportation, the Makhaliino railway checkpoint, and the Zabaikalsk railway checkpoint, where the number of container trains has doubled at certain times and customs authorities have coped with the processing of this volume.
Then, the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia spoke at the session «To the East! Routes of the New Time,» where he presented a model of an intelligent checkpoint that will serve as the basis for implementing the President’s instructions on inspection at checkpoints within a time limit of 10 minutes. Thanks to new modern technical equipment, a unified information system connecting all controlling authorities, and the preliminary submission of information that allows for risk analysis, flow separation will be carried out at the entrance to the checkpoint. This will ensure uninterrupted movement of risk-free goods.
At the final session «How Much Does Control Cost?» Vladimir Ivin focused on the technical equipment of checkpoints. For example, in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, two portal inspection and screening complexes are being tested at the Zabaikalsk checkpoint, which have already increased the capacity for cargo clearance by one and a half times. Through a regular inspection and screening complex, an average of 100 vehicles pass per day, while a portal complex allows for the passage of up to 250 vehicles.