Vladimir custom: support business, reducing the time of customs formalities
The pandemic has adverse effect on the activities of entrepreneurs, which have always played a significant role in the creation of jobs, introduction of new production technologies, providing market goods and services. In the circumstances, the customs authorities aim to support the participants in international trade.
– First, in connection with the pandemic imposed a moratorium on inspections of companies in the framework of customs control after release of goods, – the chief of the Vladimirskiy customs Pavel Pavlov. Green light for commodities and medical supplies: we have declared the medicines, disinfectants, soap. Also we increase the percentage used technologies for the automation of customs procedures. They accelerate the passage of customs formalities and hence to minimize the costs of enterprises.
From the beginning of 2020 in Vladimir the office received more than 21 thousand declarations. 80% of them were registered automatically, 37% is automatically released.
– Application technology of auto-enrollment and autopause eliminates the influence of the human factor, – says head of Department of customs procedures and customs control Nicholas Romanov. – When autopause, for example, a computer program itself checks for payment of customs payments in the absence of risk request the necessary documents, compares these data with those in the Declaration, refers to the basis of the system of interdepartmental information interaction, debit payments and produces the goods. In the end, the average time autopause when importing is no more than 5 minutes, with exports no more than 2 minutes.
Of course, not all supplies can be applied to these technologies.
– In addition to speeding up customs procedures, it is important for us to prevent violations of customs rules, – says Nikolay Romanov. – Therefore, when identifying risks, the professionals conduct a thorough customs control until the inspection and sampling for examination.
In order for businesses, including small and medium, had the opportunity to prepare thoroughly for foreign trade operations, customs provides public service consulting (more info by phone: (4922) 40-21-07, 40-21-47). Continues to work the call center to resolve issues in the field of customs Affairs related to commodities and food and medical supplies by phone: +7 (910) 171-37-63.
Natalia Odintsova,
press Secretary of the Vladimirskiy customs