Valeriy Pikalyov inspected the production of inspection and screening complexes in Saint Petersburg.

Valery Pikalyov Inspected the Production of Inspection and Screening Complexes in St. Petersburg
In the framework of monitoring the implementation of the FCS contract for the supply of mobile inspection and screening complexes, the head of the Service familiarized himself with the process of manufacturing the complexes, inspected the technological capabilities, and met with production specialists. Currently, there are 3 stationary and 10 mobile inspection and screening complexes operating in the automotive and maritime customs points of the North-West Customs Administration. In the region of the NWCA’s activities, more than 94,000 customs inspections have been conducted using the complexes since the beginning of 2024, resulting in over 2,000 violations being recorded. With the help of the complexes, 1.4 tons of cocaine were seized at maritime customs points, and 230 kg of hashish were seized at automotive checkpoints.