Tula customs summed up the law enforcement in the first half of 2020
Criminal offenses
In the first half of 2020 law enforcement units of the Tula customs initiated 16 criminal cases, 10 criminal cases more than the same period last year.
In respect of particular persons 3 criminal cases.
The largest number of cases initiated on the facts of smuggling in international mail (IGOS): potent substances (article 226.1 of the criminal code) – 5 criminal cases, narcotics (part 3 of the article 229.1 of the criminal code) – 1 criminal case.
On the facts of evasion from payment of customs payments collected from organizations or natural persons (paragraph 1 of article 194 of the criminal code) brought 2 criminal cases.
On the facts of evasion from execution of duties for the repatriation of funds in foreign currency or in currency of the Russian Federation (article 193 of the criminal code) – 2 criminal cases.
Also, criminal proceedings were instituted on the facts of illegal reorganisation of a legal entity: for illegal formation (creation, reorganization) of a legal entity (part 1 of article 173.1 of the criminal code) – 4 criminal cases; on the facts of illegal use of documents for formation (establishment, reorganization) of a legal entity (part 1 of article 173.2 of the criminal code) – 2 criminal cases.
Administrative offense
In cases of administrative offenses in January – June 2020 Tula customs brought 526 cases of AP, the increase in the number of prosecutions on AP compared to the same period last year was 10%.
The largest number of cases of AP were instituted in connection with violations of the terms of the submission to the customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods, or the performance of the statistical forms that contain false information (article 19.7.13 administrative code) – 339 cases of AP, or 64 % of the total number of prosecutions.
Administrative offences in customs area (violations of customs rules) amounted to 24.5% (129 cases of AP). As a rule, violations of the procedure for placing goods in temporary storage, providing false statements, and violations related to the application of the customs procedure of customs transit.
Violation of currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of bodies of currency regulation was 4% (21 cases of AP).
About 5.3% (28 cases of AP) is associated with the violation of terms of payment of the administrative penalty.
– The number of re-offences committed is less than 3%, – said the head of the division of administrative offences in the Tula customs Oleg Muzalev. – In cases of AP custom makes not only a resolution which is determined by the type and amount of punishment, but also representation about elimination of the reasons and circumstances of the offense. The main objective in this case is to prevent recidivism, which is always applied a more severe punishment than for the first.
Only the results of administrative proceedings in the first half of 2020 of the penalties imposed, totaling more than 260 million rubles.
Svetlana Begunova,
press Secretary of the Tula customs