To temporarily suspend receiving services under the personal reception

To temporarily suspend receiving services under the personal reception

Central customs Directorate reports on the temporary suspension of receiving stakeholders government consulting services within personal reception, and also about temporary restriction for the leadership of the Management of personal reception of citizens. .

For government services to business interested persons can contact the Office in writing at the address: 107140, Moscow, Komsomolskaya square, 1, building 1 or electronically through the official website of the Central customs administration in the section “Consultation on the customs legislation”. Phones for inquiries: (495) 276-39-76, (495) 276-35-76

Appeals in electronic form should be sent:

  • through the official website of the Central customs administration: ctu.customs.EN the tab “DESK”, filled in the electronic form
  • e-mail address of the Central customs administration ctuinfo@ctu.customs.EN