The Vyborg customs office informs about the possibility of filing the passenger customs Declaration in electronic form in respect of goods for personal use

Vyborg customs informs citizens and guests of the region that all customs posts in Vyborg customs included in the experiment on the use of a Unified automated system of customs authorities when performing customs operations in respect of goods for personal use moved in accompanied, unaccompanied baggage or delivered by carrier using information submitted in electronic form.

By order of the FCS of Russia of July 8, 2016 No. 192-p “On approving a Temporary procedure for the use of the Unified automated information system of customs authorities when performing customs operations in respect of goods for personal use moved in accompanied, unaccompanied baggage or delivered by carrier using information supplied in electronic form” means any natural person or his customs representative can advance before the movement of goods across the customs border shall submit passenger customs Declaration (PDD) in the “Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign trade activities” (Personal account) or via a software tool by the customs representative. For this physical entity, you need to register in Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign economic activity”, available at:

In the services list, the “Personal profile” is the service “Submission of the passenger customs Declaration”. To work in this service with electronic signature, and in its absence.

You must fill in and send the electronic form of the passenger customs Declaration. Further, the address of the declarant – natural person will be sent a notice of assignment of a unique identification number. A unique number shall be presented by the declarant to the official of the customs body at the same time providing identity document of the declarant. The official makes a registration of the passenger customs Declaration.

The service “Personal Cabinet” ensures the flow of the PDD in electronic form “to” the suppression of the customs border of the EEU via personalized communication between the individual and the customs authority. This does not require appeal to the customs representative and the acquisition of specialized software. To complete the PCD in advance, which allows not to waste time filling in paper form the PDD directly on the border and it saves time at its intersection.

“The procedure of submission of the PDD in electronic form has many advantages such as acceleration of process of filling of the passenger customs Declaration and filing, reduction of paperwork, reduction of time of customs control, reduction of risk of committing errors in the process of declaring goods, the natural person through the use of prompts automatically appear when making the PDD elimination of subjective factors and corruption” – said the head of customs control organization Yaroslav Sedov.

At present the experiment does not apply to vehicles for personal use.

Useful information:

The electronic form of the passenger customs Declaration posted on the official website of the FCS of Russia:

It can also be found in the section “private banking/electronic form of the passenger customs Declarationform passenger customs Declaration (the beginning of the action with 01.02.2020)”.

Natalia Finogina,
press Secretary of the Vyborg customs