The Sochi customs foiled the smuggling of large sums of money
The Sochi customs foiled the smuggling of large sums of money
From Russia to Abkhazia tried to export about 3.5 million rubles.
At the customs post MAPP Adler in the course of customs and border control stopped a car whose driver was trying to move through the customs border of the EEU undeclared cash.
Positioning of operational information operational-investigative Department of the Sochi customs was stopped car brand “PLYMOUTH VOYAGER” from Russia to the Republic of Abkhazia. During the oral examination, the customs inspector asked the driver about the possible presence of a cash foreign and Russian currency. A citizen stated that he statstool goods and cash subject to a mandatory written Declaration.
In order to fix the orientation and the establishment of goods subject to customs Declaration, were applied inspection system (MIS). As a result of the image analysis have been identified the risk situation.
Upon inspection of the vehicle with the involvement of experts-cynologists in the cabin, on the floor under the front passenger seat was discovered a plastic bag with cash in the Russian currency in the amount of RUB 3 477 000 (44 730,32 US dollar).
Without a written Declaration is allowed one-time import or export of cash and (or) traveller’s cheques for a total amount equal or not exceeding the equivalent of 10 thousand dollars. USA.
Undeclared cash seized. Sochi customs office opened a criminal case under part 1 of article 200.1 of the criminal code (smuggling of cash and (or) cash instruments on a large scale). The sanction of this article prescribes a penalty of from three times to ten times the amount of illegally transferred cash and (or) the value of illegally transferred cash instruments or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period up to two years, or restraint of liberty for a term up to two years, or hard labor for a term up to two years.