The Russian government approved the Strategy of development of customs service till 2030
The Russian government approved the Strategy of development of customs service till 2030
The government of the Russian Federation approved the Strategy of development of customs service of Russia until 2030. FCS of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Finance of Russia and FTS of Russia charged to the end of September 2020 to develop and submit to the Government the plan of measures for its implementation.
The head of the FCS of Russia Vladimir Bulavin: “the Further development of customs service of Russia is directly connected with the introduction of digital technology. This is the main factor of Strategy 2030, with adoption of which we proceed to the next stage of formation of qualitatively new, high-tech custom in the future. I am sure that the achievement of the Strategy’s objectives will make a significant contribution to improving the business climate in Russia and increase its investment attractiveness”.
One of the main objectives of the Strategy 2030 is the simplification and acceleration of procedures for bona fide business, and increasing transparency in customs administration. To achieve their plans, including through the creation of intellectual border crossings, customs automation, integrated digital platforms, introduction to the elements of artificial intelligence and development of the risk management system.
Strategy of development of customs service of the Russian Federation until 2030 was first presented to the public during the International customs forum – 2019.
One of the main projects of the Strategy is the implementation of the model of the “intellectual” of the checkpoint. Built on the principles of automation of all control procedures and suggesting their concentration in a single digital platform, the model will allow risk-free parties almost non-stop to pass the customs border.
Another priority is the introduction of the online categorization of consignments. The decision on whether to apply to the party of control measures – inspection, inspection and other – will depend on the characteristics of the product in terms of its displacement and degree of good faith of the declarant.
Objectives outlined in the Strategy is complex: effectively solve them is possible only in interaction with interested Federal bodies of Executive power and maintaining a high level dialogue with the business community.