The principles of distribution of goods declarations at application of technology of remote release
The principles of distribution of goods declarations at application of technology of remote release
From October 2018, is a large-scale reform of system of customs bodies. A key objective of the reform is to concentrate the processing of all goods declarations in sixteen Centers of electronic Declaration located in various regions of Russia. Customs posts, which, before the creation of the Centers of electronic Declaration was issued in the goods Declaration, the reform will implement the actual customs inspection of goods: inspection, inspection, sampling, etc.
To date the reform is in its final phase, Russia has created all of the planned Centers of electronic Declaration. Final outputs of the reform are to change the principles of interaction of participants of FEA (declarants), Centers of electronic Declaration and customs posts actual control.
In the end, the reform of basic element in the work of the Centres of electronic declaring will be the automatic allocation of returns filed by legal entities. The distribution of returns will be carried out automatically according to the following principles, based on:
1) primarily based on the type of product.
So, the goods for which it has special competence (excisable goods, radioactive materials, placed under the customs procedure of free customs zone products, etc.) will be distributed to the specialized customs authorities (e.g., Central excise customs, Central energy customs).
2) secondly, based on the mode of transport.
Goods imported by sea transport will be allocated to the EDC, located in the region where marine checkpoint. If the item will be sent from the naval checkpoint at the customs procedure of customs transit in another region of Russia, the Declaration will be sent to the EDC, located in the region where marine checkpoint.
When you export the “sea” Cady will issue a Declaration on goods that you intend to move through the sea checkpoint.
Similarly, will be issued for the goods transported by air via Moscow air hub (Aviation CED).
3) the rest of the array Declaration will be distributed among Zagami depending on the place of the tax account of the declarant or its separate subdivision (for CAT).
These principles, as well as the distribution of returns filed by individuals and individual entrepreneurs, will be set out in a separate order of the Ministry of Finance that regulates the powers of the customs authorities register the customs declarations.
Julia Kutaka,
a press-the Secretary of Mineralovodsky customs