The order of inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators
The order of inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators
North Caucasus customs Directorate informs: from 1 January 2020, the acceptance of applications for inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators will be carried out in electronic form. The order of application determined by article 384 of the Federal law from 03.08.2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.
In accordance with part 1 of article 384 of the Federal law from 03.08.2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” statement of inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators shall be submitted as an electronic document (using the “Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign economic activity”, signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature. Certificate of inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators in this case are issued in the form of an electronic document.
Background: To date the Federal customs service of Russia adopted a statement on inclusion in the register of authorized economic operators and issued the certificate on inclusion in the register only on paper because the software has not been modified (in accordance with part 23 of article 384 of the Federal law from 03.08.2018 No. 289-FZ).
Alina Tkachenko,
the office of public relations
North-Caucasus customs Department