The customs Declaration can be submitted copy of certificate of origin
The customs Declaration can be submitted copy of certificate of origin
Far Eastern customs administration informs: from April 18 to September 30, 2020 for the customs Declaration you can provide a copy of the certificate of origin of goods form “A” in case of import of goods included in the list of goods originating from developing countries or from least developed countries in respect of which import tariff preferences are granted (Decision of the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission dated 03.04.2020 No. 36).
The original certificate in form “And” participant in foreign economic activity must submit to the customs authority not later than 6 months from the date of registration of the goods Declaration, otherwise the origin of the goods is considered unofficial.
In case of submission of copies of certificate declarant is writing by hand or printing on its reverse side a commitment within the specified period of the original document.
This decision was made to minimize contacts between people and reducing the number of paper documents and is aimed at prevention and preventing the spread of coronavirus infection.
The decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of 03.04.2020 № 36 “About modification of Rules of determination of origin of goods from developing and least developed countries and peculiarities of submission of certificate of origin in terms of the spread of coronavirus infections 2019-nCov”.
The document is published on the official website of the Eurasian economic Commission
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