The center for electronic Declaration Rostov customs involved in the experiment on registration of the goods transported in an unassembled or disassembled form

The center for electronic Declaration Rostov customs involved in the experiment on registration of the goods transported in an unassembled or disassembled form

In accordance with the order of the FCS of Russia of the Rostov customs post (the electronic Declaration center), participates in testing technologies of customs operations in the Centers for the electronic Declaration in respect of goods conveyed in unassembled or disassembled form.

Now the Declaration for such goods can be submitted to the CED Rostov customs, and products to present one of the customs posts actual control of the southern customs Directorate.

At the same time each batch of product components, the declared CED should be brought to only one customs office of actual control. The effect of the experiment applies only to products, deliveries of which begin in the period of the experiment.

This opportunity is available to traders who received a decision on the classification of goods, and not to start customs clearance of the components of the product, or planning to apply to the FCS of Russia with the statement for deciding on the classification of goods.

All the necessary information on this issue posted on WEB-server FTS of Russia in section “the participants of foreign economic activity” of the site www.ved.customs.ruand in subsection “to the decision on classification of goods transported through the customs border of the Union in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form”, paragraph 2 “the Methods of determining the classification code of goods” section of “Information on classification and origin of goods” site