The Arkhangelsk customs: products with signs of counterfeit discovered in one of the shopping centers
The Arkhangelsk customs: products with signs of counterfeit discovered in one of the shopping centers
Customs and police conducted a joint inspection in one of the shopping centers in Arkhangelsk. The event began with controlled buys conducted by the police, then in the case entered the inspectors Department of customs control after release of goods of the Arkhangelsk customs. The inspection found products with signs of counterfeit: we are talking about clothing with logos of brands “Adidas”, “Nike”, “Reebok”.
The audit was conducted based on the statements from the representative of the holders of these trademarks.
Inspectors were not provided with the relevant license agreement, confirming the legality of origin of the product.
All products with signs of counterfeit, the implementation of which violates intellectual property rights and can harm the health of the consumer, was seized by the police.
The unknown origin of the goods, the conditions in which they were produced. The seized goods will be sent for examination, the further destiny of counterfeit products will be determined by the court. As for the owner of the goods, then he could face a penalty in accordance with part 2 of article 14.10 of the Russian code of administrative offences.
All in 2019 and 2020 Arkhangelsk customs office together with other state control bodies in the framework of verification activities taken 164 item with signs of counterfeiting, regulatory bodies initiated three cases on administrative offences under part 2 of article 14.10 of the administrative offences code of the Russian Federation and one case of an administrative offense under part 2 of article 14.15 of the administrative code.
Pavel Kuznetsov,
press Secretary of Arkhangelsk customs