Suppressed the export of cultural goods worth more than 300 000 rubles of the Russian Federation in the United States and Spain

Suppressed the export of cultural goods worth more than 300 000 rubles of the Russian Federation in the United States and Spain

Employees of Department on struggle against especially dangerous kinds of contraband of southern operative customs (further – EBOOK of WOT) are revealed and liquidated a smuggling channel for removal from the territory of the Russian Federation of subjects of cultural value.

During working off of operational information found that 53-summer rostovchanin in November and December 2019 with the use of a courier service realized sending international mail (hereinafter IGOS) objects of cultural value in Spain and the United States of America.

Employees EBOOK of WAT in cooperation with officials of Sheremetevsky customs is organized and carried out a complex of measures to prevent the departure from the territory of the Russian Federation of the specified items.

Information about violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation was confirmed, discovered 2 MPO containing items of cultural value:
a vessel in the style of toreutics of the Mamluk dynasties, made in the XIX century,
– Aquarius (aquamanile or vessel for washing the hands).

According to the expert opinion the cost of the discovered cultural property is more than 300 000 rubles.

In accordance with article 63 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 15.04.1993 N 4804-1 “On export and import of cultural values” of the person to illegal export or import of cultural property, are liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Southern operational customs in respect of a resident of Rostov-on-don brought 2 criminal cases under part 1 of article 226.1 of the criminal code (illegal movement across the customs border of cultural values in the large size).

Alexander Valuisky, press Secretary of the southern customs