Samara customs stopped the import into Russia of counterfeit 11 million rubles
Samara customs stopped the import into Russia of counterfeit 11 million rubles
12 Mar 2020 Samara customs initiated administrative proceedings on the fact of illegal use of well-known trademarks. The total damages amounts to more than $ 11 million.
In November 2019, officials of the mobile group of the Samara customs on duty on the road “Kazan – Orenburg – Akbulak – the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan”, was stopped a cargo vehicle under control of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic. He was flying from the Kyrgyz Republic to the Russian Federation. According to the submitted shipping documents in the truck carrying party knitwear (clothing for men, women and children in the range). During the inspection of cargo by customs inspectors identified the goods marked trademarks of “Frozen”, “Batman”, “Spider man”, “paw patrol”.
In the ensuing customs inspection of consignment by the officials of the Samara customs revealed 14 600 units of goods with signs of counterfeit. According to the statements of the holders 12 trademarks identified products are counterfeit. The total size of the damage, by estimations of owners, is more than $ 11 million.
The Samara customs office filed the case on administrative offence, responsibility for which is provided part 1 of article 14.10 of the administrative code (“Illegal use of another’s trademark”), part 1 of article 7.12 of the administrative code (“Violation of copyright and related rights”). The goods seized, conducted an administrative investigation.
Alla Tarceva
the press-Secretary of the Samara customs