Samara customs recalls the ability of citizens to immediately report the facts of violations of the law
By calling 8 (846) 933-73-83, you can report the facts of decline and (or) the Commission by officials of the Samara customs corruption offences, all cases of violation of the rules of customs clearance and control, the misconduct of officials in the performance of their official duties. In addition, the helpline is available around the clock to deal with complaints, statements and communications concerning unlawful actions by the officials of customs and customs posts, and also make suggestions about measures on perfection of activity of customs.
Collection and preliminary processing of the incoming information is of operational duty. Received information is checked, including, and employees of Department on counteraction of corruption.
Legislation of the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity to the person providing the information on violation of legislation by officers of customs.
Customs accepts any complaints against decisions, actions or inaction of customs bodies and officials in the sphere of customs business. If a person after receiving a response to the inquiry found a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, it may take legal measures for their protection – the filing of a complaint in the superior customs authority, i.e. pre-trial appeal procedure provided for in Chapter 51 of the Federal law of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ, or appeal to the court.
If the person concerned doubts and is not sure that a decision, action (inaction) of a customs authority or its officials is illegal, the person concerned is necessary to clarify the legality of the decision, actions (inaction) and does not wish his treatment was unjustified negative content in the address of officials that article 265 of the Federal law of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” provides for the possibility to apply this customs authority about the reasons and the grounds for the decision or perfect action, or the reasons for no decision or action.
Prevention of corruption offences is carried out with customs officials. On a quarterly basis at the customs office held the meeting of the Commission for prevention of corruption offenses.
On an ongoing basis a set of measures aimed at prevention of corruption offenses. In the framework of training in legal education with officials of the structural units further investigated issues of anti-corruption legislation.
Daria Metelkina,
the press-Secretary of the Samara customs