Saint-Petersburg customs: the automatic registration and automatic issuance of transit declarations
Saint-Petersburg customs: the automatic registration and automatic issuance of transit declarations
Automatic committing of customs operations related to registration and issue of transit declarations, allows you to make the process of placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit as quickly as possible.
From October 2019 at all customs posts of St. Petersburg customs with jurisdiction for the Commission of customs operations involving the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit, the possibility for automatic registration of electronic transit declarations and 18 November 2019 on the objects of the pilot zone of St. Petersburg customs (Shusharsky, Pargolovskaya customs posts), the release of electronic transit declarations.
In the experiment on introduction of automatic registration of electronic transit declarations and automatic release of electronic transit declarations revealed that when submitting electronic transit Declaration by participants of foreign economic activity and their representatives made mistakes that preclude automatic registration and automatic issuance of electronic transit declarations. Improving the quality of documents submitted to the customs authorities, strict adherence to the requirements for completing a transit Declaration will significantly simplify the process of their registration and release.
The technology of automatic registration shortens the time of registration of the transit Declaration to an average of one minute, and the automated production of electronic transit Declaration reduces the time of issue to an average of one hour.
The main feature of the automatic release electronic transit declarations is the need to fill the officer of customs on field service (“customs transit” and “means of customs identification”) after the adoption of the information system decisions on the issue.
On the questions connected with application of technology of automatic registration and automatic issuance of electronic transit declarations, you can contact the St. Petersburg customs service in the Department of control over customs transit by phone: 8 (812) 777 93 31, 640 59 66.
The press service of the St. Petersburg customs