Pregabalin discovered by customs officials in the trailer of the truck
Pregabalin discovered by customs officials in the trailer of the truck
27 capsules of Lyrica drug, containing in its composition of 10.8 g. of potent substance “pregabalin” were discovered in the trailer of the truck “KAMAZ” in a course quickly-search actions employees of Department on struggle against contraband of drugs of the North Ossetian customs when interacting with officials of UCON MVD po RSO-Alaniya.
The capsule was discovered in a cardboard box with the products. It is established that the sender is the resident of Vladikavkaz. The package was coming in the South Ossetian Republic. Concerning the citizen, which has already given grateful evidences, employees of the North Ossetian customs brought criminal cases on signs of crimes under part 1 of article 226.1 OF THE CRIMINAL CODE.
Diana Haewa,
press Secretary of the North Ossetian customs