Perm custom: expanding the list of medical goods in the provision of benefits on payment of import duty and VAT

The decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of March 16, 2020 No. 21 established the exemption from import customs duties in respect of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) to implement the member States of the EAEU of measures aimed at warning and preventing the spread of coronavirus infections 2019-nCoV.

The specified exemption is in force since April 3, 2020 and applies upon registration of the goods Declaration for placing them under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption to 30 September 2020 and the submission to the customs authority of a document confirming the purpose of imported goods. Document confirming the purpose of the product, issued either by the Ministry of health of Russia, or the Ministry of industry and trade of Russia, or the authorized Executive body of state power of subject of Russian Federation. The document of confirmation of the target destination must contain information about the nomenclature of goods, value of goods, the organization carrying out import of goods.

From 6 April 2020, entered into force the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2020 No. 419, which is amended in the list of the medical supplies are exempt from VAT when imported to the Russian Federation and other territories under its jurisdiction in order to prevent and prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) (section 5).

Exemption of VAT is granted subject to registration of the goods Declaration for placing them under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption to 30 September 2020, and provide the customs authority of a document confirming the purpose of imported goods, issued by the authorized Executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as confirming further transfer of goods free of charge to non-profit organizations operating in the sphere of health protection, including medical health care institutions. The document of confirmation of the target destination should contain information about the person making the importation; the name of a nonprofit organization operating in the field of health, including medical institutions, which will be donated to the imported goods; the period within which the goods shall be the donation; on the names of the transferred goods, their quantities, cost, codes, FEACN of the cu and JECFA 2.

Please note that in the fourth subsection, column 36 “Preference” in relation to exemption from import customs duties of the goods Declaration specifies the letter code “T”, from the VAT – letter code “NO”.

To receive benefit on the basis of a document confirming the purpose of the goods, signed by an authorized officer of the authorized Executive body of state power of a subject of the Russian Federation indicating the date of the signature and the affixing of the seal of the established sample of the authorized Executive body of state power of a subject of the Russian Federation. The document is sent to the applicant and to the Federal customs service within one working day after its signing.

The granting of benefits on payment of import duties and VAT, the participants of foreign economic activity in the region of Perm customs can contact the Department of customs payments customs Perm phone: (342) 238 72 50.

Angela Belyaeva,
press Secretary of the Perm customs