Omsk customs: the application of technologies of automatic registration and automatic issuance of transit declarations
Omsk customs informs that the Federal customs service continues to conduct activities aimed at introduction of automation of customs operations in transit of goods.
Use of technology for automatic registration of electronic transit declarations and automatic release of electronic transit declarations allows to speed up the process of placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.
From October 2019 in all customs bodies of the Russian Federation, authorised on carrying out customs operations involving the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit, the possibility for automatic registration of electronic transit declarations. In Omsk customs, these operations are carried out by Omsk customs post and a customs post of the Airport Omsk.
The technology of automatic release of electronic transit declarations is 18 November 2019 as part of an experiment on the objects of the pilot zone. Customs posts of the Omsk customs are not included in the experiment.
For interested parties, the customs office explained that for the successful implementation of technologies of automatic decision-making should be excluded when submitting electronic transit Declaration by participants of foreign economic activity and their representatives errors that preclude automatic registration and automatic issuance of electronic transit declarations. Improving the quality of required documents submitted to the customs authorities, as well as compliance with the form and order of filling of transit declarations will significantly streamline the process of their registration and release.
The practice of application of customs posts of the Omsk customs to the technology of automatic registration showed that automated decision-making reduces time of registration of the transit Declaration to one minute.
On the questions connected with application of technology of automatic registration and automatic issuance of electronic transit declarations, you can contact the Department of customs procedures and customs control of the Omsk customs by phone: (3812) 51 48 30, 51 48 31.
Elena Petrova,
the press Secretary of the Omsk customs