Novorossiysk customs officers uncover cases of evasion from paying customs duties totaling over 4.3 million rubles.

Customs officers in Novorossiysk have uncovered cases of evasion of customs duties totaling more than 4.3 million rubles. The evasion occurred during the import of nine vehicles (RAM and JEEP) from the United States. A resident of the Krasnodar region made changes to the invoices provided to the customs authority, deliberately understating the value of the vehicles. The individual also registered the vehicles under the names of third parties who were unaware of his criminal intentions.
False information about the value of the goods was provided in the passenger customs declarations, which led to the non-payment of customs duties on a large scale. A criminal case has been initiated by the Novorossiysk customs authorities under Article 194, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for evasion of customs duties imposed on individuals in a large amount. The total amount of unpaid customs duties exceeded 4.3 million rubles.
The accused has admitted guilt and fully compensated the damage caused to the state. The criminal case has been sent to court for consideration.