Murmansk customs: 2 kg of drugs withdrawn from circulation
Murmansk customs: 2 kilos of drugs removed from circulation
Since the beginning of the current year the Murmansk customs office filed two criminal cases for illegal cross-border movement of potent substances.
To the inhabitants of the Murmansk region, China has received international mail (IGOS), which are under customs control were seized and sent for examination. The results of the research showed that within both MPO was a potent substance – 1-testosterone, in one case with a total weight of 1.43 kg and in another 0.5 kg.
Decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of 21 April 2015 № 30 “About measures of non-tariff regulation” in respect of the above goods authorization procedure set moving through the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union. Recipients identified by the MPO did not have permits from the competent authorities in their results. In addition, the goods moved across the border under a different name – “DOG FOOD”.
Thus, both a Russian citizen has committed the crime provided by part 1 of article 226.1 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation – illegal movement across the border of potent substances on a large scale. The sanction of article prescribes punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term from three till seven years with a fine in the amount up to one million rubles or the salary or other income condemned for the period till five years or without such and with restriction of liberty for a term up to one year or without such.
Alla Sveshnikov,
press Secretary of Murmansk customs