More than 5 billion rubles of customs payments transferred Vyborg customs in the Federal budget

More than 5 billion rubles of customs payments transferred Vyborg customs in the Federal budget

For the 1st quarter of 2020 foreign trade turnover in the region of Vyborg customs exceeded 348 thousand dollars. Foreign economic activity was carried out 328 traders.

In January-March 2020 across the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union in the region of Vyborg customs proceeded 1 556 292 individuals, 8 of 318 buses, 490 296 815 88 cars and trucks.

1 091 initiated a case on administrative offences.

In the Federal budget for the three months 2020 Vyborg custom lists 5.17 billion rubles of customs duties. Set the scheduled task is executed at 104,11%.

Natalia Finogina,
press Secretary of the Vyborg customs