More than 4 tons is prohibited to import oranges found customs officers in the market in the Rostov region
More than 4 tons is prohibited to import oranges found customs officers in the market in the Rostov region
During a joint test events at one of the food markets in Rostov region officials of the Department to control the importation and trafficking of goods from customs control after release of goods of the southern customs Directorate revealed large batch of fruit, prohibited the importation and circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation
Officials of the Department to control the importation and trafficking of goods of the southern customs Directorate with the participation of the office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and Republic of Kalmykia, South transport Prosecutor’s office and southern customs conducted customs inspection of premises and territories, major wholesale and retail market, located in the Rostov region.
In the course of verification activities on the territory of the market discovered 2 vehicles with the product “fresh oranges” with a total weight of 4.33 tons. The marking on the boxes of oranges were picked, therefore to determine their country of origin and the legality of import into the territory of the Russian Federation was not possible. These goods were exempt from turnover and destroyed.
Department of public relations of the southern customs Directorate