Irkutsk customs has revealed failure to return foreign currency proceeds to 342 million rubles for the export of timber
Irkutsk customs has revealed failure to return foreign currency proceeds to 342 million rubles for the export of timber
Irkutsk customs office stopped illegal activity of the company-isoexposure, which did not return to Russia a currency gain in the amount 342,6 million rubles, as well as smuggling brought to China more than 8.7 million cubic meters of timber worth more than 53 million rubles.
In a course quickly-investigation actions when interacting with the East Siberian transport Prosecutor’s office found that the company from the village of Kuytun in Irkutsk region in several treaties in the years 2015-2019 supplied to China edged timber of coniferous breeds. Of the Declaration of goods moved in Sayan and Nizhneudinsk of the Irkutsk customs posts customs.
While the accounts of Russian banks within the period stipulated in foreign trade contracts of prisoners, have not received foreign exchange revenues totaling more than 342,6 million in the ruble equivalent. Director and officers of the company any action with the purpose of the refund is not made.
In addition, the company in August-October 2016 smuggled exported more than 8.7 million cubic meters of sawn softwood of unknown origin total market value of 53,2 million roubles. As documents confirming the information declared in the customs declarations, the representatives of the company, isexported introduced to Sayan custom post fictitious contracts of purchase-sale of the lumber on the domestic market.
In relation to the Director of Department of inquiry of Irkutsk customs has filed four criminal cases upon evasion from execution of duties for the repatriation (return) of money resources for the delivered goods in large and especially large sizes (two criminal cases – under paragraph “a” of part 2, two criminal cases – on p. 1. article 193 of the criminal code) and two criminal cases on signs of the crime under part 1 of article 226.1 of the criminal code – contraband of strategically important goods in the large size. The investigation is ongoing.