International customs cooperation improves the quality of customs administration

In 2019 with the participation of the customs authorities of the Siberian customs Directorate (STU) hosted 20 international events.

9 of those meetings were directly with representatives of the customs services of foreign States. So, 5 events held with representatives of the customs service of China, 2 events – with representatives of Mongolian customs, one event with representatives of the customs service of the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11 events conducted in the format of forums and negotiations with the participation of foreign traders, and chambers of Commerce and industry, as well as meetings for informing and consulting in the field of customs with the representatives of the consulates of China, Mongolia and Cuba.

“Customs cooperation is aimed primarily at the solution of practical problems, to expedite the performance of customs operations and improve the quality of customs control through data sharing, streamlining of border crossing points, prevention of violations,” – said the head of Department of customs cooperation of STU Victoria Olca.

So, during a working meeting of heads of border customs bodies of STU, the far Eastern customs administration of Mongolia and discussed the issues of cross-border cooperation projects on the exchange of information obtained as a result of the use of vehicle inspection stations, the mutual recognition of results of customs control in respect of certain types of goods and customs clearance and customs control of goods, currency and vehicles moved by physical persons through the Russian-Mongolian state border.

Following the event, the Russian side noted that by providing the Mongolian side information about the cars imported into Mongolia from the territory of the EEU, the customs authorities of the STUDENTS were able to improve the quality of customs administration of temporarily imported vehicles.

In terms of development of international online trade and the receipt of a significant amount of mail from people’s Republic of China (PRC) a significant event was the working meeting with the leadership of STU and Novosibirsk customs with the representatives of the Shanghai customs General administration of customs of PRC. Among the issues discussed were the customs control concerning the goods sent in international mail, and detected offences.

In 2020, STU intends to continue the interaction with colleagues of neighbouring countries.

Department of public relations of STU