In the Kamchatka customs created the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus

In connection with threat of distribution of epidemic of coronavirus in the Kamchatka customs created operational headquarters for the adoption of preventive and precautionary measures against novel coronavirus infection. All checkpoints in the region of activity of customs work in a regular mode. Ships and aircraft are issued round the clock.

From January 2020 by the staff of the Kamchatka customs, along with other regulatory authorities taking all measures for the prevention and avoidance of infection in the region.

Registration of seagoing vessels arriving from countries where cases of coronavirus, occurs only after the crew members of the 14-day quarantine from the date of their last contact with foreign nationals. This rule also applies to the fishing fleet, exposed to foreign courts from “disadvantaged” countries in terms of fisheries (in case of overload of fish in the waters of the waters of the territorial seas).

March 24, 2020 staff of the customs post of the Airport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky has issued Russian passengers, who arrived on a Charter flight from Thailand. It was the last flight as air passenger message in this direction has been suspended. Also temporarily canceled (until the lifting of the quarantine) annual Charter program in Vietnam, traditionally begins in April.

In the air checkpoint continues, making vessels of business aviation. This aircraft from the USA to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region that make a technical landing in the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk for refueling.

To protect against the disease in the border crossing points to observe sanitary-anti-epidemic and disinfection regimes. Customs officers in contact with individuals at checkpoints, in the compulsory use of protective masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes and solutions. The provision of remedies.

In addition, according to the recommendations of Ministry of labor of Russia in the Kamchatka customs temporarily restricted personal reception of citizens.

For the direction of appeals to address the Kamchatka customs, it is recommended to use the following methods:

– e-mail of Department of documentary maintenance of the Kamchatka customs:;

postal address: 683031, Kamchatka Krai, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Karl Marx Avenue, d. 35,

Background information on the documents directed in the Kamchatka customs, you can get by phone: 8 (4152) 218 982

Tatiana Lesina

press Secretary of the Kamchatka customs

phone: 8 (4152)218-919.