In Novosibirsk has increased the number of criminal cases of illegal withdrawal of currency abroad

By the end of 2019 the number of criminal cases about frauds with currency brought by customs officers in Novosibirsk increased by more than two times.

By the end of 2019 customs of Siberia brought more than 140 criminal cases related to the withdrawal of currency abroad on fake documents and non-return of currency earnings from abroad, of which in Novosibirsk – 39. In 2018, the region’s customs filed 107 such cases in Novosibirsk – 18 criminal cases, connected with the currency. The number of crimes detected by the customs authorities of the region, the illegal withdrawal of currency abroad is in second place after contraband.

Of the total number of criminal cases in 2019, related to the currency, 77 cases custom region instituted under article 193.1 of the criminal code – withdrawal of currency on fake documents. It is more than 2.5 times higher than that in 2018 (30 criminal cases). Thus, in the past year on fake documents from Siberia leaked more than 11 billion 200 million rubles (in 2018 877,7 million rubles). Criminals provide the Bank with false documents for the conclusion of fictitious transactions for the sale of goods and rendering of services. In Novosibirsk in 2019 and Novosibirsk the Siberian operational customs initiated 25 such cases (in 2018 – nine criminal cases). The amount of funds withdrawn on these criminal cases – more than 1 billion 595 million roubles.

According to the article 193 of the criminal code (evasion from execution of obligations on repatriation of funds) in 2019 customs of Siberia opened 64 criminal cases (in 2018 69). The total size of the unreturned from abroad amounted to 7.2 billion (in 2018 – almost 4.4 billion rubles). Criminals from Novosibirsk, using the schemes to failure to return currency from abroad, taken out of the country for more than 953 million rubles, according to the facts police initiated 14 criminal cases (in 2018 – nine criminal cases, the amount of the unreturned funds in 2018 was more than 467 million).

The non-return of funds from abroad – the second classical scheme for illegal withdrawal of currency abroad. In order to smuggle their own funds or remuneration to the customer, the criminals enter into the trade contracts on behalf of shell companies, issued on figureheads. the Funds are transferred to accounts of the foreign companies in payment for goods or services (industrial products, scaffolding, equipment, transport services). At expiry of the trade agreement paid goods to Russia is not imported, services are not available, and the firm takes no action to recover “lost” funds transferred under a foreign trade contract.

Under current law, offenders face imprisonment for up to ten years for the display of currency abroad with false documents, and five years for evading duties on repatriation of funds.

Reference: Sibirskaya operativnaya tamozhnya organizes and coordinates the activities of law enforcement units of the customs of the Siberian Federal district. Pround-the-clock “a telephone hotline” the office: (383) 351-89-89 citizens can report cases of violation of customs legislation, corruption, and to make suggestions. More information about how to contact the Siberian operative customs and record on personal reception to a management of customs can be found on the official website of the Siberian customs office on the Internet:

Eva Hlushky,

press Secretary of the Siberian operative customs