In 2020 the citizens have the opportunity to declare the goods for the personal use of electronic
In 2020 the citizens had an opportunity to declare goods for personal use in electronic form
From the beginning of 2020 passengers travelling by any mode of transport, submission of electronic customs Declaration (PDD) for goods for personal use. Earlier in Kamchatka, such a possibility was only passengers.
Electronic submission of the PDD allows not to waste time filling paper form directly at the border and saves time at its intersection. The provision of information in electronic form is not mandatory, it’s an alternative to filing paper of the passenger customs Declaration.
Passengers of international flights, courts zagranplavanija and cruise ships can advance to fill in the electronic driver using the Internet through the information service “Submission of the passenger customs Declaration” on the official website of the FCS of Russia through the “my account”. An electronic signature is not required.
It is necessary to declare only the goods, limited to moving, or imported exceeding the weight and cost standards. For example, for air transport the personal belongings weighing more than 50 kg and worth over 10 000 euros. For ground and water transport personal belongings weighing more than 25 kg and worth over 500 euros. To mandatory Declaration are also subject to cultural values; rare plants and animals (i.e. being on the verge of extinction); vehicles; precious metals and stones; weapons; cash over 10 thousand dollars in value, etc.
After filling in the electronic Declaration information system of customs authorities of the electronic PTD assigns a unique identification number (UIN). On arrival at the checkpoint the passenger is reported to customs inspector UIN, for further processing of the imported goods.
Goods for personal use delivered by Express carrier to the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union in the individual, it is also possible to declare with PDD in electronic form.
Declarant (physical person or the customs representative) will be able to use this service in the future. The next filling of the electronic Declaration will take less time because the basic information saved in my account.
Tatiana Lesina, a spokesman of the Kamchatka customs office phone: 8 (4152)218-919.