First place for the transfer of payments to the state budget among the far Eastern customs in 2019 traditionally occupied Vladivostok customs
More than 290 billion rubles were transferred to the state budget of the Vladivostok customs in 2019. This is 1.5 times more than last year. Vladivostok customs – one of the three major customs in Russia, which carries out all customs operations, starting with the arrival, placement on the temporary storage of goods to electronic Declaration with the holding of actual control.
Center of electronic Declaration (CED) of the Vladivostok customs provides electronic Declaration of goods and documentary control. Here are concentrated the main amount of all the declarations of the “sea” customs of the Far East – Nakhodka, Khabarovsk, Magadan, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Now 90% of all declarations issued in the Vladivostok customs post CED. Plans to reach 100% by 2020.
The Vladivostok customs post (CED) allows a participant of foreign economic activity to carry out the Declaration of goods, without reference to the places of arrival. In 2019, officials of the Vladivostok customs office (EDC) has issued more than 250 thousand declarations, which is 48% higher than last year.
According to the chief of the Vladivostok customs Oleg Anufrieva, the customs reform opened up new possibilities for the future of digitalization of customs processes, speed them up and simplify. Running processes automation in 2018, in 2019 the Vladivostok customs post (CED) has already registered in automatic mode, more than 124 thousand declarations. If at the beginning of 2019 indicator automatic registration of declarations amounted to about 30% by the end of the year it rose to 80.2%. The rate of auto-enrollment exceeded when exporting 82%, while imports — 80%. Automatically issued more than 20 thousand declarations. Average time of registration and issuance of automatic mode to date, does not exceed seven minutes. In addition, another 50-60% of the declarations produced in the first four hours after their receipt by the customs authority.
Vladivostok customs and subordinate customs offices carry out the actual control – inspection, inspection, measurement and weighing of goods transported. The presence in the ports of modern systems and items of technical equipment allows to carry out customs control in a short time and with high efficiency. Today in the Vladivostok customs has 2 mobile vehicle inspection stations (MIS), which provide for control in respect of more than 23 thousand containers per year.
MIS (modern means of customs control with the help of x-ray scan), helps quickly detect customs offences and reduces the cost of the trade. This is the most simple and quick way the actual customs control without opening the container or cargo compartment of the vehicle. The scanning and analysis of one container on average takes 9 minutes.
Analysis of the obtained images allows to identify how the presence of foreign investments in the container, and signs the Declaration of false information about goods in the container. For 2019, with the use of MIS was scanned more than 23.5 thousand containers. The results of the customs control, officials of the Vladivostok customs revealed 603 violations of the customs legislation, including a number of significant: more than 550 thousand undeclared automobile spare parts (a penalty of 1 443 911 rubles), more than 44 thousand packages of undeclared cosmetics, more than 1,000 undeclared detergent “Disney” and “STAR WARS”. For 184 offences filed cases on administrative offences.
Reference: By the end of 2020 in Russia will operate three categories of customs: the actual control, electronic and full-featured. Vladivostok customs among the three largest full-featured customs of Russia (even the Baltic and Novorossiysk customs) and is the border customs of far East customs office. Its functions include the performance of customs operations in respect of goods and vehicles arriving by sea. Currently, the structure of customs 7 customs offices: seaport Azov, may day, the Platov Airport, Postal, Zarubino, Slavyanka and Vladivostok customs office (CED).
Asya Gentle,
press Secretary of the Vladivostok customs,
8 (423) 2498191, 89644315202