Document about the origin of money required: 01 Feb 2020 are changing the rules of moving of cash currency
Document about the origin of money required: 01 Feb 2020 are changing the rules of moving of cash currency
Document about the origin of money required: 01 Feb 2020 are changing the rules of moving of cash currency
When you move the cash over US $ 10,000 filled the passenger customs Declaration. But if the amount exceeds 100 000 USD, the customs inspector in addition to the Declaration the passenger shall provide proof of the origin of the currency. This can be Bank statements, reference forms 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL with a mark of tax authority, court decisions and notarial documents on joining the legacy.
According to customs statistics last year in the Ural airports passengers declared that more than 22 million dollars. About 600 people moved the cash by the rules. 213 tried to break these rules, and eventually brought to administrative responsibility (two or criminally).
“Last year the average amount of the written currency Declaration amounted to 40,000 dollars. Each month 1-2 people moved cash over one hundred thousand dollars”, – said the head of the customs office Airport Koltsovo (passenger), Dmitry Shishkin.
Moreover, since February 01 this year changed the form of the passenger customs Declaration. As before, it consists of primary and secondary sheets, but there are new graphs.
Department of public relations UTU