Customs post of the Airport of Krasnodar – the best in the South!

The contest among customs authorities of the southern customs Directorate in 2019 customs post of the Krasnodar Airport Krasnodar customs became the winner in nomination “the Best team of the customs office in a non-motor vehicle crossing points (sea (river), rail, air)”.

In 2019, officials of the customs post feature over 5880 aircraft for the international carriage and of the order of 820 thousand passengers.

Foreign trade turnover in the region of the post amounted to more than 181 million U.S. dollars, the trade volume exceeded 141 thousand tons, decorated with the order of 2700 of goods declarations.

In 2019 the customs post in the Federal budget are listed in the order of 745 million rubles.

The team of thousands of foiled administrative offenses and dozens of criminal offenses: detention of narcotic substances and potent drugs, monetary funds in large sizes, jewelry, flora and fauna objects, cultural and historical values, as well as commercial consignments of goods imported under the guise of goods for personal use.

For implementation of customs control the customs post is equipped with modern information technology systems and technical means. With the purpose of identifying objects and substances, forbidden to moving through customs border of the Eurasian economic Union at a customs post set “X-Scan”. In 2019 by installing a personal inspection of the “X-Scan” designed to detect prohibited items concealed under clothing and in humans conducted 226 inspections.

In 2019, officials of the customs office initiated 635 cases of administrative offenses. Compiled 6 reports the discovery of evidence of criminal offenses. Seized 144 litres of alcoholic beverages, 43500 cigarettes, cigarillos 353, 110 cigars, 7.5 kilograms of tobacco. Special attention is given the performance of the customs office for the suppression of the facts you fail to declare currency and monetary instruments. In 2019 under customs control seized cash foreign and Russian currency for the sum over 8 million roubles.

Highly qualified and professionally trained staff, educated and experienced heads of departments of the customs office, modern software and technical means of customs control are those that allow you to achieve the team post the best results in work and will raise the quality of customs administration.

– The main activities of the post are to carry out customs operations in respect of aircraft in international transport, freights and goods transported by individuals in Luggage and hand Luggage when crossing the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union, – said the head of the customs office Paul Basmanov. – The most attention we have paid to the fight against smuggling and violations of customs and currency legislation, assistance in the fight against international terrorism.

Help. The history of the Airport customs post of the Krasnodar began in March 1992, when the local airport began its first international flights. Over the years, the unit, initially composed of 11 inspectors, rose to one of the largest in the customs: today, we are serving 79 people. Directs the staff of the customs service Colonel Pavel Anatolyevich Barmanou.

Tatiana Burmistrova, the press Secretary of the Krasnodar customs