Customs officers uncovered a scheme of “false transit” clothes from Georgia

Customs officers uncovered a scheme of “false transit” clothes from Georgia

Field investigators of Severo-the Caucasian customs foiled the smuggling of more than 20 tons of clothing produced in Turkey. Smuggling was carried out under the “about transit”.

20.88 tons of goods, as indicated in the accompanying documents, followed from Georgia to Uzbekistan through Russia. The declared value was $50,000, but in fact the clothes had planned to smuggle into the territory of Russia avoiding customs payments in the amount of 8.5 million rubles.

The truck crossed the border on a post checkpoint Upper Lars of the North-Ossetian customs, where it was opened the customs transit procedure. In this case, the customs officials of the countries through which laid the route of the product, only verified shipping documents and the integrity of the customs seals. On all transit vehicles do not have the right to deviate from the registered route, and is obliged to pass through all the prescribed intermediate customs posts.

However, as a result quickly-search actions it is established that the vehicle in violation of the declared customs procedure proceeded to one of the warehouses of the city of Pyatigorsk, where it was made illegal unloading of foreign goods for further sale on the domestic market of the Russian Federation. The staff of the North Caucasian customs stopped the illegal activities and seized a lot of goods.

Concerning the organizer of criminal activity Mineralovodsky customs office opened a criminal case under article 194 of the criminal code (evasion from payment of customs payments). The materials are directed to court for consideration on the merits.

Julia Kutaka,
a press-the Secretary of Mineralovodsky customs