Customs and business are embracing new forms of dialogue
Customs and business are embracing new forms of dialogue
The editorial Board of the journal “Customs news” with the assistance of the North-Western customs administration and the St. Petersburg customs in the first half of July 2020 spent on the technical basis of its partners a series of webinars on topical issues of professional interest to specialists in the field of foreign trade and customs Affairs.
The first event on the topic “Currency control”, which was held on 3 July 2020, to the students in the remote mode was made head of the currency control Department of St. Petersburg customs Irina Plotnikova. She highlighted the issues related to order compliance with the conditions of registration of a foreign trade contract with an authorized Bank, the rules of currency operations, a statement of the information exchange control Declaration when crossing the border of goods and vehicles.
The main lecturer of the webinar on “Customs duties”, held on 8 July 2020, became the chief of Department of customs payments of the St. Petersburg customs Elena E. Bazhenov. The main attention is paid to the analysis of current issues related to the levying of customs duties, taxes, fees and other payments. The participants also acquired the latest information available regarding tariff preferences, the order of repayment of debt on payment of customs and other payments.
Note that this was the first time when the revision carried out its activities with the participation of representatives of the North and business in the form of remote communication for speakers and listeners. However, as acknowledged by the participants, keeping the conversation online in a whole met their expectations and hopes. They got the opportunity not only to listen to the reports of the officers of the St. Petersburg customs on the topics and ask their questions and get competent answers. All participated in webinars agreed that in the current environment, caused by a coronavirus pandemic, this form of organization of the dialogue between customs authorities and the business community has the right to life and this practice should be continued.
Special thanks were extended to the partners who are not only at a high technical level organized and hosted events, and ensured strict compliance with all necessary measures of personal security of participants of the webinars.