Ctvuu recalls the need for compliance with axle loads of vehicles

1 595 cases of administrative offences in the field of transport control in the region of the North Caucasus customs administration was initiated in 2019. Since the beginning of this year this figure is closer to three hundred.

Ask the carriers to pay attention to the compliance of dimensions and weights of vehicles in accordance with the RF Government Decree of April 15, 2011 № 272 “On approval of Rules of transportations of cargoes by motor transport”. Note that the responsibility for the violation of the permissible axle load of the vehicles provided against the driver and against the carrier.

In accordance with article 12.21.1 of the administrative code “Violation of rules of traffic of heavy and large vehicles” penalty for this administrative offense range from 100 to 400 thousand rubles.

In addition, a violation of the law becomes the cause of additional temporary costs for the operation of customs checkpoint. Please take into account the high workload of the checkpoint Upper Lars. Carrying out activities in accordance with the law, you do not just avoid the extra costs of fines and do not create obstacles in the work of customs.

Appendix No. 2
to the Rules of cargo transportation
road transport
(in edition of the Resolution
The government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2011 No. 272
(edited on 31.01.2020)
“On approval of Rules of transportation
of goods by road”)


The location of the axles of the vehicle <*>

The distance between the spaced axes, m

Permissible axle load <**> a wheeled vehicle for roads, vehicle

for the road, designed for the legal load vehicle 6 axle <***>

for the road, designed for standard loading 10 TS per axle

for the road, designed for the legal load of 11.5 TF axle

Single axis

over 2.5

5,5 (6)

9 (10)

10,5 (11,5)

A group of closely spaced tandem axles

to 1 (inclusive)

8 (9)

10 (11)

11,5 (12,5)

more than 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

9 (10)

13 (14)

14 (16)

more than 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

10 (11)

15 (16)

17 (18)

more than 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

11 (12)

17 (18)

18 (20)

A group of closely spaced triple axles

to 1 (inclusive)

11 (12)

15 (16,5)

17 (18)

more than 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

12 (13)

18 (19,5)

20 (21)

more than 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

Of 13.5 (15)

21 (22,5 <****>)

23,5 (24)

more than 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

15 (16)

22 (23)

25 (26)

A group of closely spaced axles with the number of axes more than 3 (no more than 2 or single wheels are on axis)

to 1 (inclusive)

A 3.5 (4)

5 (5,5)

5,5 (6)

more than 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

4 (4,5)

6 (6,5)

6,5 (7)

more than 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

4,5 (5)

6,5 (7)

7,5 (8)

more than 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

5 (5,5)

7 (7,5)

8,5 (9)

A group of closely spaced axles and number of axles 2 or more (4 (inclusive) and more planar or wheels are on axis)

to 1 (inclusive)

6 (6,5)

9,5 (10)

11 (11,5)

more than 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

6,5 (7)

10,5 (11)

12 (12,5)

more than 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

7,5 (8)

12 (12,5)

14 (14.5 mm)

more than 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

8,5 (9)

13,5 (14)

16 (16,5)

<*> Group of closely spaced axles – grouped axes combined and (or) are in a truck, with the distance between the closest axles up to 2.5 meters (inclusive).

<**> For groups of closely spaced tandem, or triple axle permissible load on the axle group.

<***> In case of establishment by the owner of the road of appropriate traffic signs and posting on its official website information about the valid to road axle load of the vehicle.

<****> Including vehicles having axles and groups of closely spaced axles with single wheels equipped with pneumatic or equivalent suspension.

Notes: 1. In parentheses are the values for axis with a gable (wheel vehicle with two tires) wheels, without brackets – for axles with single wheels (wheel vehicle with one tire).

  1. Groups of closely spaced axles, having in its composition axis with odnoskatnyh and dvuskatnyh wheels, should be seen as groups of closely spaced axles, incorporating an axle with single wheels.
  2. For groups of closely spaced double and triple axles permissible axle load is determined by dividing the allowable load on the axle group by the corresponding number of axles in the group, except for the cases specified in paragraph 4of these notes.
  3. May be uneven load distribution on the axles for groups of closely spaced double and triple axles, if the load on the axle group does not exceed the permissible load on the corresponding axle group and the load on each axle in the axle group does not exceed the permissible load on the corresponding axle with single lean-to or gable wheels.
  4. In the presence of the groups of axles at different values of the center distance, each distance between axes is set to a value obtained by arithmetic averaging (the sum of all center distance in the group divided by the number center distance in the group).
  5. When freezing of the soil subgrade under the road apparel to the value of 0.4 meters or more, is allowed to increase the allowable axle load of the vehicle by setting the owner of the road of appropriate traffic signs, and posting relevant information on its official website:

a) when the regulatory state highways (in this case, the allowable mass of the vehicle is determined in accordance with Annex N 1 to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from January 31, 2020 N 67 “About the statement of Rules of compensation of the harm caused by heavy vehicles, changing and annulment of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”):

for road of I – II category – 1.04 times;

for roads of category III – IV – 1.2 times;

for road category V – 1.4 times;

b) in the absence of bridges and overpasses (the permissible weight of vehicles not regulated):

for road of I – II category – 1,8 times;

for roads of category III – IV – 2 times;

for road category V – 2.9 times.

The office of public relations
North-Caucasus customs Department