Cadres decide everything

The formula of “Cadres decide everything” remains relevant at all times. With personnel matters, the activities of any organization. May 24, celebrate their professional holiday of the personnel division ctvuu and customs of the region.

Recruitment, assessment, selection of candidates, formation of personnel reserve, monitoring the proper service, conducting psychological and educational-preventive work with the personnel – it is not a complete list of daily chores and responsibilities of personnel service of the North-Caucasian customs Department.
“Dear colleagues, please accept congratulations and sincere appreciation for your diligent work, patience and endurance. As is known, the personnel service in the system of customs authorities has always played a special role. Experts on personnel management in the system of customs bodies are not simply conduits of the personnel policy of the FCS of Russia, but also in practice, ensure the rational use of human capabilities both in his own interests and in the interests of the Federal customs service of Russia,” congratulates colleagues head of albert Mavlikov.
Work with staff in ctvuu is headed by the Deputy chief of Department – the head of the service Oleg Nazarov. Since October 2012 his work is connected with personnel of customs bodies Severo-the Caucasian Federal district. Activities Oleg Vladimirovich has been awarded numerous governance through departmental awards: badge “excellent customs service”, medals “Dmitry Bibikov”, “For zeal” and “For service in customs bodies” of 3 degrees, 2 degrees, and the gratitude of the Head of the FCS of Russia. To the question: “What are the qualities of a HR specialist?”, the Colonel of customs service said: “For complete, well-coordinated, and most importantly, highly professional work it is necessary to find people who truly love their job and cares for him with all my heart. Person working with staff, should possess: sense of tact, openness, tolerance, empathy – because it is these human qualities, primarily responsible for the formation of favorable moral and psychological climate in the team”.
To date, the personnel office of the North-Caucasian customs Department includes three divisions: division of civil service and personnel, the Department of inspection and crime prevention and the Department of psychological work. All specialists have special abilities and skills – methods of evaluating personal and professional qualities of employees and results of a collective work, means of influence on the team.
No wonder they say: human resources – person organization. Each applicant for the vacant position, submitting documents to the North Caucasus Directorate of customs, first met with the Department of state service and personnel. Here he is met, providing the necessary advice, the head of Department of public service and personnel of the captain of customs service Aslanova Anna and her team.
HR service seamlessly combines many years of experience of officials with the activity and the bold ambitions of youth. The professional approach of a cohesive team that includes not only knowledge of laws, regulations and job descriptions, years of experience allow almost unerringly and in a short time to determine the future of customs. It should be noted that most professionals have specialized education in the field of customs business, Economics and law.
In 2019, the past period 2020 personnel service was held 20 meetings of evaluation committees of management. Only certified for compliance substitutable positions of 74 civil servants.
An important place in the formation of the psychological climate in the team play of public enterprises. A key role in the process of adaptation of the young specialist, in addition to the immediate supervisor, performs Youth Council of the North-Caucasian customs Department, acting in management from 2019.
Special attention is paid to the professional development of officers: newly recruited or already working in the customs bodies. All officers receive mandatory continuing professional education on the various programs. Training (training, retraining) is carried out at the Institute of distance learning, retraining and qualification improvement, as well as on the basis of branches of the Russian customs Academy. For 2019 training on a variety of additional professional programs were 74 officials of the apparatus of the North Caucasus customs administration, of which 21 employees and 53 of Federal civil servants. In the intervening period 2020: 39 officials, 12 – and 27 – Federal civil servants. Training of officers is carried out both in person and electronically, with the use of modern distance learning technologies. In addition, in order to continuously improve the professional level of the officials in all the structural units weekly classes on professional studies.
The office of psychological personnel services Department is headed by a professional psychologist with years of experience Oksana Safonova. Within the remit of this unit includes membership in the professional selection of candidates for the customs service, the creation of a Bank of psychological data of customs officers, carrying out individual psychological work with officials showing signs of poor adaptation, assisting Executive staff and units of the office and subordinate customs offices in the creation of healthy moral and psychological climate, psychological counseling and psychological assistance to officers and their families.
Work to maintain discipline, law and order, prevention of corruption and assisting in conducting educational and preventive work with the personnel with the work in this direction successfully cope officials of Department of inspection and crime prevention personnel services of the North-Caucasian customs Department under the leadership of Alexey Tolmachev. Along with the efficient operations of the unit on Patriotic education, officials of the Department organize festive events related to the memorable events of the state and professional holidays, are preparing to conduct contests of Amateur officials and members of their families.
Personnel management service is carried out methodical and organizational support of activity on observance of requirements to office behaviour of Federal civil servants and settlement of conflict of interests. Also actively carry out information and explanatory work with officials and citizens on prevention of corruption, detection of causes and conditions, it promoting. The operations of the unit for identification of conflict of interest in the public service or the possibility of its occurrence allows time to notice the negative effects, to take measures to neutralize them, to take appropriate action.
So far the success of the HR units do not limit, the selected form of active work with the personnel, organization and realization of various cultural events has a huge development potential, both for cadres and for the North Caucasus customs administration as a whole – shaping the health and vitality of the customs staff and a positive image of the customs authorities.

The office of public relations
North-Caucasus customs Department