Belgorod customs: amending certain terms of the importation of goods for personal use
Belgorod customs informs that due to the current epidemiological situation, the Council of the Eurasian economic Commission adopted the decision on the extension of certain terms of the importation of goods for personal use.
The possibility of extending the timeframe prescribed by the Decision of the EEC Council from 29.04.2020 No. 47, “amending certain terms of the importation of goods for personal use”.
Until 30 September the following extended deadlines:
– the term of temporary import of vehicles for personal use, temporarily imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union;
– the period during which the customs Declaration of the temporarily imported vehicles for personal use with a view to their exportation from the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union;
– the period during which the vehicle for personal use, placed under the customs procedure of free customs zone on the territory of the free economic zone of the Russian Federation may be temporarily exported from the territory of a free economic zone on other part of customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union without completing the customs procedure of free customs zone.
The extension of the above deadlines shall not relieve individuals from the duty of re-exported vehicles for personal use after the specified deadlines and from the obligation of reverse import of vehicles for personal use into the territory of the free economic zone of the Russian Federation upon the expiry of the specified period.
The decision comes into force on 28 may 2020 and applies to legal relations arising from 1 March 2020
For any questions, you can contact the Department of customs procedures and customs control service of the customs control organization of customs by phone: 8(4722) 30 62 54, 30 62 17, 30 63 68, and to the state service on informing and consulting by phone 8(4722) 30 63 89, 30 63 91.
Julia Rovnova,
press Secretary of the Belgorod customs