Baltic customs: on ways to expedite and simplify customs procedures
In the North-Western region implemented four international projects aimed at acceleration of customs operations, increase trade, create favourable conditions for participants of foreign economic activity.
The Baltic customs office informs that the Federal customs service cooperation with foreign customs services developed and implemented various international projects aimed at the simplification and acceleration of customs procedures, including: a “Green corridor”, “Simplified customs corridor”, “Mutual recognition of results of customs control in respect of certain types of products, Simplification of customs procedures for rail transport”.
Currently, of the above, in the region of activities of customs authorities of the North-Western customs administration implemented the following international projects.
Russian-Moroccan project “Green corridor” is being implemented in the framework of the Protocol between the Federal customs service and Administration of customs and indirect taxes of the Kingdom of Morocco on the organization of exchange of preliminary information about goods and vehicles transported between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Morocco. Competence in the performance of customs operations in the framework of this project is endowed with Baltic customs post (CED) of the Baltic customs.
Russian-Uzbek “Simplified customs corridor”. Implemented in the framework of the Agreement between the Russian Federal customs service and the State customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the organization of simplified procedure of customs operations when moving goods and vehicles. Restrictions on the list of Russian customs authorities, involved in the implementation of this international project, not installed.
Russian-Chinese project “Green corridor”. To participate in the project “Green corridor” may the Russian and the Chinese company, entered into a contract for the supply of goods. Lists of exporters and importers agreed in advance by the customs services of the two countries in the framework of the information exchange. Restrictions on the list of Russian customs authorities, involved in the realization of this international project, not installed.
Russian-Tajik project on mutual recognition of results of customs control is implemented as an exchange of preliminary information with the purpose of implementation of the Protocol between the FCS of Russia and Customs service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on mutual recognition of results of customs control in respect of certain types of goods. This international project can be implemented at Pulkovo customs.
Alina Schmidt,
press Secretary of the Baltic customs