Baltic customs officers put in order monuments “the Crew of the submarine Sch-323” and “Yungam Baltika”
Baltic customs officers and veterans of the customs service joined the all-Russian campaign for the care of commemorative obelisks “Bow to those great years” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war.
We live in the heroic city, and the participation in promotions gives you the opportunity to see those historical places which are connected with many memorable dates of the war years, – the main state customs inspector of Department of special customs procedures Skipper of the customs post of the Baltic customs Anna Konovalova. – I honor and respect the deeds of our forefathers and consider it their duty to labor to prove that it is not just words.
Staff Skipper of the customs post of the Baltic customs conducted a cleaning of memorials devoted to the great Patriotic war in the territory of Vasilievsky island: a monument “Yungam of the Baltic” and the monument “the Crew of the submarine Sch-323”. Applicable customs officers and veterans of the customs service cleared the area of the monuments from the branches, leaves, put in order the paving, washed granite slabs monuments.
Monument “Yungam of the Baltic” was opened in may 1999 and is dedicated to the memory of the Baltic Jung, who participated in combat operations during the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. (sculptor L. Y. Eidlin, architect V. L, Spiridonov, painter V. G. Passerar).
The monument “to the Crew of the submarine Sch-323”, hit a mine and sunk in the night of may 1, 1943, installed in 1983 on a mass grave of the crew of the submarine (architects A. D. Levenkov, E. A. the Spiritual, the sculptor E. A. Vishnevetskaya, engineer A. V. Shanin). At the base of the monument on granite slabs engraved thirty-seven of the names of the members of the crew of the red banner submarine Sch-323. Four torpedoes in the ascendant, is the cap on the granite blocks depicted submarine and knocked epitaph written by the poet-the participant of defence of Leningrad, Balts Vsevolod Azarov:
Let the stone tell was formidable,
Friends will bring gratitude as a reward
The sailors that defended Leningrad.
Their boats that first tore the blockade.
A moment of silence customs commemorated submariners, Jung and all the dead and missing during the great Patriotic war 1941-1945, laid flowers to the memorials.
Alina Schmidt,
press Secretary of the Baltic customs