Baltic customs informs traders about the beginning of the approbation of the Declaration of goods transported in the form of components in the centers of electronic Declaration
21 may 2020, the FCS of Russia began practical testing of technology of customs operations at the customs post (the electronic Declaration centers, EDC) in relation to goods transported with the specifications defined by article 103 of the Federal law of 3 August 2018 No. 289-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.
In testing can take part the following participants of foreign economic activity (FEA):
– received in accordance with article 16 of the Federal law the decision on the classification of goods transported through the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, different product batches during the period of time that exceeds the time limits specified by article 101 of the customs code of the EAEU, and have not started the customs clearance components of product (if necessary modify the information on the customs authority, which will be the customs Declaration of goods the participant of foreign trade activities in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 17 of the Federal law may apply to UTN FCS of Russia with the statement for modification of the decision on classification of goods);
– planning to apply to UTN FCS of Russia with the statement for deciding on the classification of goods, specifying the statement name customs, the structure of which is CED, which is planned to carry out customs Declaration of goods.
Each individual part components of the product, declared by the EDC, subject to submission of one customs office actual customs control, located in the region of a regional customs office (customs, directly subordinate FCS of Russia), in the chain of command (structure) which (which) is the EDC.
Information about the beginning of the practical testing of placed on WEB-server FTS of Russia in section “the participants of foreign economic activity” of the site and in subsection “to the decision on classification of goods transported through the customs border of the Union in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form”, paragraph 2 “the Methods of determining the classification code of goods” section of “Information on classification and origin of goods” site
Alina Schmidt,
press Secretary of the Baltic customs