Arrange coal in port Nakhodka will be the far Eastern energy customs post
Arrange coal in port Nakhodka will be the far Eastern energy customs post
18 January 2020 Nakhodka customs stops, customs operations in respect of ships exporting coal at the port of Nakhodka. This competence is transferred far Eastern energy customs post (DATP) of the Central energy customs.
Transfer of registration of coal in port Nakhodka DATP is associated with a concentration of customs operations and customs control in respect of energy specialized customs authority.
In the Eastern port of clearance of the coal remains in the competence of Nakhodka customs.
Help. In 2019 through the checkpoints located in the region of Nakhodka customs exported 48 million tons of coal.
The competence DATP included issuance of permits for the shipment arrival or departure of ships carrying goods 27 group Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activities of the EEU (fuel, coal, peat, coke, oil and oil products, etc.). Declares the energy Center of electronic Declaration of the Central energy customs in Moscow.
Natalia Sabadash
the press-Secretary of the Nakhodka customs (4236) 663-590