Appointed head of Tatarstan customs

From 11 June 2020 by order of the Federal customs service No. 1452-K of 8.06.2020 year, the head of Tatarstan customs appointed Marat Garayev Masgutovich.

Today Deputy head of the Federal customs service Denis V. Tereshchenko and chief of the Volga customs management Aasim Isaakovich Askarov presented the new head to the staff.

– Marat Masgutovich in the customs of the people is not new, – said Denis Viktorovich, – he started his career from 1993 from the post of inspector. He has all the qualities that are inherent in the modern head: professional knowledge, initiative, responsibility, honesty.

– In the mission of presentation of the new head a lot of symbolism, said Aasim Isaakovich, is the first public event after the quarantine associated with the pandemic, and secondly, the day of creation of the Volga customs Dept. Marat Masgutovich clearly understands the challenges facing customs authorities, and I am sure will deal with them, along with a professional team of associates, which is the Tatarstan customs.



M. M. Garayev was born on 15 August 1970 in the city of Kanash of the Chuvash ASSR.

Education is higher. In 1992 he graduated from the Chuvash state University. I. N. Ulyanov, and in 2003, Russian customs Academy. The whole working biography of M. M. Garayev associated with the customs authorities. From 1993 to 2010 he served in the Chuvash customs where passed a way from the inspector to the chief of Cheboksary customs post. In 2010 appointed head of the Mari customs. After the reorganization of the Mari customs continued service in the post of Deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod customs – the chief of the Mari customs post. 2013 M. M. Garayev, Deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod customs – head of the Chuvash customs post. In 2015 and until the appointment of the Tatarstan customs served as the first Deputy head of the Nizhny Novgorod customs.

M. M. Garaev has the rank of Colonel of the customs service.

For meritorious service awarded departmental awards: medals “For service in customs authorities” III, II and I degree, “For zeal”, “Dmitry Bibikov”, chest marks 10 years of the SCC of Russia”, “excellence in customs”, “Veteran of the customs service”.

Valentine Skorlygina,
the press Secretary of Tatarstan customs