Altai customs officers stop illegal export of medical masks
Altai customs officers stop illegal export of medical masks
Officials of the Altai customs during the customs control in the accompanied baggage of the citizens of Mongolia, who followed through multilateral automobile checkpoint “Tashanta” from the Russian Federation to Mongolia, it was discovered 4350 medical masks with a total weight of about 12 kg.
Relevant supporting documents for the goods was absent. Because medical masks are included in the List of products subject to a temporary ban on the export from the Russian Federation, they were returned to the territory of Russia.
Altai customs office on offenders in connection with the prohibitions and restrictions filed the case on administrative offences according to article 16.3 of the Russian code of administrative offences.
“Trust” Altai customs: (3852) 242-517.
Background: In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2020 № 223 “On introduction of temporary ban on the export of certain products from the Russian Federation” (hereinafter – Decree), medical masks are included in the list of separate types of products are installed in a temporary ban on the export from the Russian Federation. Full list of products in respect of which introduced a temporary ban on the export from the Russian Federation presented in the Annex to the decision.
Marina Yuzhakova,
press Secretary of the Altai customs