Altai customs has opened 144 cases on administrative offences for violation of currency legislation
Altai customs has opened 144 cases on administrative offences for violation of currency legislation
From the beginning of 2020 in conducting monetary Altai customs control revealed violations of legislation amounting to more than 31 million rubles spent 61 of the control-analytical activity (predpremerny analysis) and 28 inspections of observance of the currency legislation. On the revealed facts in relation to legal and officials opened 144 cases of administrative offences assigned to administrative fines amounting to more than 156 million rubles, including in the cases in 2019.
This year the main volume make up the cases on administrative offences related to non-compliance by participants of foreign economic activities of the order and terms of representation of forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, – says the head of the currency Department of the Altai customs Irina Selivanova.
Administrative responsibility for violations of the currency regulations are subject to officers, citizens, legal persons and individual entrepreneurs according to article 15.25 of the Russian code of administrative offences.
Altai customs reminds the participants of foreign trade activities on observance of the established order and terms of representation of forms of accounting and reporting on currency transactions, in order to avoid penalties.
Free consultation on customs matters and other issues within the competence of customs bodies, including currency control, you can get in the legal Department of the Altai customs at Barnaul, St. Sizov, 47. Information about the time and order of rendering the state services, consulting in the field of customs can be obtained by phone (3852) 399-055.
“Trust” Altai customs”: (3852) 242 517.
Alena Kekin,
press Secretary of the Altai customs