A quarter of passenger customs declarations at the customs post of the Airport of Rostov-on-don (Platov) are submitted electronically
When crossing the customs border of the Eurasian economic Union any citizen may need to declare roaming products.
For the purpose of convenience, mobility and reduction of time for customs control at the airport of Rostov-on-don (Platov) any individual may in advance of the movement of goods across the customs border shall submit passenger customs Declaration filled in electronic form.
It is necessary to use the information service “Submission of the passenger customs Declaration” on the official website of the FCS of Russia www.customs.ru through the “Personal Cabinet” (http://edata.customs.ru/FtsPersonalCabinetWeb).
Unified automated information system of customs authorities shall register the electronic Declaration and assign it a unique number.
This number should be reported to the customs officer on arrival to the customs authority. According to it, the customs officer will find your Declaration in the database and print it out.
If necessary, shall be paid the appropriate customs payments, and then the release of goods for personal use.
The chief of the Airport customs post Rostov-on-don (Platov) Vyacheslav Starodubov: “Since the implementation of the service “Submission of the passenger customs Declaration” the number of people that use it, is gradually increasing. In 2019 in electronic form passengers on international flights there were 120 declarations, representing 25% of the total number of passenger declarations, registered post. In 2018 this figure was much less. Most citizens used the opportunity to submit a Declaration in electronic form for Declaration of cash.
The service allows citizens not only to significantly speed up the customs control, but also to read in advance the customs regulations, and therefore to avoid violations of the law.”
Attention! This rule shall not apply when the Declaration of vehicles for personal use and goods sent by international mail.
Article 260 of the Customs code of the EAEU identified cases in which mandatory submission to the customs authority passenger customs Declaration. The Declaration in the prescribed form of goods subject to customs declaring are subject to administrative and (or) criminal liability.
Anna Polaskova, press Secretary of the Rostov customs