50% increase in the number of declarations issued in Ulan-Ude, the center of electronic Declaration for three years
More than 26.5 thousand declarations produced by the Ulan-Ude customs post (the electronic Declaration center), Buryat customs in 2019, the Federal budget lists more than 26 billion rubles.
Three years average time to issue the export declarations for goods has decreased from 39 to 27 minutes. The main export goods were wood and wood products, foodstuffs, consumer goods.
The number of import declarations in 2019 increased by 75% compared to 2018. They accounted for 45% of the total Declaration of the array. In Russia imported appliances and parts for it, spare parts to cars, drugs, fluorspar, products of dolerite and other products.
Positive dynamics is observed on indicators of automatic enrollment and automatic release of goods declarations. If in 2018 is automatically recorded 9907 declarations, in 2019, the figure was 12 154 declarations (45,7% of the total). Autobypass in 2019 amounted to 649 returns last year with the use of this technology was automatically released 183 Declaration.
Great attention is paid to control the false Declaration of goods. According to the facts in 2019 customs post has opened 34 cases on administrative offences, which is 14 cases more than last year.
Ulan-Odeski customs post (the electronic Declaration center) started functioning from August 17, 2016.
The center for electronic Declaration is a specialised customs body, whose competence is limited exclusively electronic form of customs operations.
(photo, infographics)
Evgeny Kurbatov
press Secretary of the Buryat customs, tel. (3012) 289 078